Monday, 4 June 2012

Ikea Hack

It's been a while since my last post.  Mark and I have been busy with the house again.  We're in the process of hiring a company to supply / install an iron balcony on our patio, Mark's been fixing leaks on our roof, we finally got a bed for the loft and it's officially been a week since we moved up there.  It's like sleeping in a brand new house!

Mark is touring New Zealand and Australia for 3 weeks so to keep myself busy, I purchased a Rast chest of drawers from Ikea for £15.99 with the goal of re-purposing it with new paint and hardware.  Even with primer, the super cheap pine wood proved a bit difficult to paint.  I got so frustrated having to constantly sand the drawer fronts after each coat with little success so I slapped the hardware on and left it, looking a little distressed.  I'll probably end up re-painting it, around the hardware, but for now I'm just going to leave it...


After (looking a little distressed)